Fossil Fuels

Fossil Fuels Are Non-Renewable

Fossil Fuels are a non-renwable resource and takes millions of your to compose in the ground. Once we use all of this resource we will not have any more for millions of years while the cycle which it uses to create takes place and will take millions of years to make more gas, oil, and other substances which are made by fossil fuels. Basically once its gone, its gone.

Why is it Non-Renewable?

Fossil fuels are non-renewable because they take longer to form then it takes ot use, we use it way quicker then it regenerates and so eventually we will run out of this resource. It is non-renwable because it cannot be renewed and will run out quickly. If we do use fossil fuels after it depleets it will take millions of years for there to be enough to be used and will be a rare energy source in the future, and an expensive one.

Why is it Non-Renewable?

The Cycle.

    Because oil is a natural resource meaning the earth produces it but it produces it at a slow rate it is non-renewable. The process that is performed by the earth takes millions of years to complete and so this resource is classed as non-renewable as it WILL run out and won't be back.

Here is the cycle of how oil is made:

Planton and other marine life die and sink to the bottom of an ocean and get covered in layers of sedimentary rock. As heat and the pressure from the growing layers of rocks compresses the died marine life they start to create oil. This can only happen under extreme pressure and heat and is rare. This cycle creates pockets of oil in which we need to drill to get to.